由 艾麗莎油畫 Alicia Hu 主辦,望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂10號創意園支持,澳門基金會資助的 〈致敬大師系列〉(上)經典再現胡媛媛油畫展 於2022年4月1日 瘋堂十號創意園A01展室開始展覽。
“A classic is an outstanding example of a particular style; something of lasting worth or with a timeless quality; of the first or highest quality, class, or rank”(from Wikipedia). When I first started to learn to paint, my online teacher taught me to copy the classics and learn from the masters. I copied about ten works of classical oil paintings. Then I started to paint my originals. Since my paintings are based on photos, they become more and more like photos. This makes me feel overwhelmed. I want realism, but I don’t want photorealism. I started to copy the works of the masters again. I hope that I can apply the techniques I have learned to my paintings to achieve the effect of immersing the viewers.
This exhibition mainly exhibits two master copies. One is a copy of “Le Printemps” (Springtime) by the French classical academic painter Pierre-Auguste Cot(1837 – 1883). The painting is now on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It took me two and a half months to study and copy-painting it. I don’t think I got it, though. Mainly because I couldn’t catch the very natural and intense chiaroscuro in the painting. I am at loss. I hope someone can give me some advice.
Another work is a copy of the French academic oil painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau’s (1825-1905) work “Fardeau agréable (French for “pleasant burden”). English translation is “not too much to carry”. The masterpiece is now in private collection. It is difficult to capture the light on the face of the younger sister. With all my efforts, I can only achieve “similar appearance”, and there is big gap between “resemblance in spirit”.
Other works include Wonder Woman, the little girl eating dates, the girl in the wheat field, and the lily girl, all of which are small portrait studies based on photos. In comparison, it is easier to paint pictures than to copy the works of masters. Although the effect is delicate and beautiful, it is not as high as I want to get. Everything is being explored. I hope that in the future, I can combine the style of classical oil painting with contemporary portraits and get my own style of neoclassicism.
胡媛媛,Alicia Hu, 自學成才藝術家,1983年生於中國東北,2008年定居澳門。暨南大學英語專業文學學士,業餘舞蹈教師,兩個孩子的母親。曾於澳門娛樂場供職近十年。2017年開始跟從網絡導師自學繪畫。2018年辭去娛樂場工作全職從事藝術創作。她的繪畫風格多為寫實的人物肖像,也有少量風景靜物。基於長年的芭蕾訓練,她對人體之美有敏銳的感觸,將舞蹈與油畫融合,創作了一系列芭蕾舞作品。早期部分作品曾銷往歐美。疫情之下,全球經濟萎靡,她創建藝術工作室,開始教學。
Hu Yuanyuan, Alicia Hu, a self-taught artist, was born in Northeast China in 1983 and settled in Macau in 2008. Bachelor of Arts in English from Jinan University, amateur dance teacher, mother of two children. She worked in Macau casinos for nearly ten years. In 2017, I started to learn painting from an online tutor. In 2018, she quit her casino job to work full-time in art. Her painting style is mostly realistic portraits, also a small amount of landscape and still life. Based on years of ballet training, she has a keen sense of the beauty of the human body, and combines dance with oil painting to create a series of ballet paintings. Some of the early works have been sold to Europe and the United States. Under the epidemic when selling is hard, she created an art studio and started teaching.
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,A01展覽室)。