《叁心壹意》- 聶柏宋、陳燕林、陳鄭綺玲 速寫展
《叁心壹意》- 聶柏宋、陳燕林、陳鄭綺玲 速寫展
“Three Hearts and One Mind” Sketch Exhibition
展覽簡介Exhibition Introduction:
由澳門城市速寫人協會主辦、望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園,澳門基金會贊助的《叁心壹意》- 聶柏宋、陳燕林、陳鄭綺玲 速寫展將瘋堂十號創意園B07展覽室展出。(為配合特區政府當前的防疫工作, 瘋堂十號創意園暫停開放,藝術展覽順延舉辦。)
Concept of the exhibition: In this exhibition, the three “Sketching Macao” painters hope to share their experience of painting lesson:
.to learn from the process rather than the result,
.to overcome the trap of failure and self-criticism,
.to continue to study hard,
.to feel the joy of creating themselves by wandering through life.
藝術家簡介About Artist:
聶柏宋‚廣東新會人‚1962年定居澳門。青年時期曾經學習素描‚ 於1986年獲任職公司“文華東方酒店”支持遠赴新加坡參加國際厨藝冰雕比賽並獲得銅獎。隨後入職“葡京日麗” 繼續從事冰雕、牛油雕塑、及各類蔬果雕塑工作。2014年退休後欲續前半生結下美術之緣‚入讀“理工長者書院” 重拾習畫之樂。2018年加入“速寫澳門”‚ 感謝多位老師及畫友多年無私指導。現得“速寫澳門”支持幫助下‚聯同畫友壯膽開辦3人畫展‚以無畏無懼精神吸收經驗為晚年生活增添色彩。
Lip Pak Song is a native of Xinhui, Guangdong Province and settled in Macau in 1962. In 1986, he was being sent to Singapore by his company, Mandarin Oriental, to participate in an international ice carving competition and won a bronze medal. Soon he joined “Portas do Sol” and continued to work on ice sculptures, butter sculpture, and various vegetable and fruit carving. After retiring in 2014, he enrolled in the “Seniors Academy, Macao Polytechnic University” to rejoice the fun from painting. In 2018, he joined “Urban Sketchers Macao” and thanked to teachers and friends for their selfless guidance over the years. With the support of “Urban Sketchers Macao”, he and his friends are now boldly organizing a three-man exhibition to fulfill to his elderly life fearlessly.
陳燕林‚本名燕珠‚越南華橋‚上世紀七十年初‚曾跟隨著名水彩畫家甘長齡先生習畫三年多‚ 後擱筆四十多年。退休後她憶恩師多年教誨‚並得同門師兄鼓勵‚再次重拾畫筆作為退休後的興趣。於2016年中習畫期間‚ 因志趣結織李江漢先生‚其後得以引薦加入 “速寫澳門”‚ 隨後一年加入“澳門美術協會”成為會員‚ 從此跟隨畫友以寫生為樂‚享受學習生活。今次有幸在 “速寫澳門” 支持下‚與兩位畫友舉辦三人畫展,分享我近年寫生畫作的學習成果,深感榮幸。謹此向 “速寫澳門”及各位老師、畫友表達衷心感謝。
Chan Yin Lam, whose real name is Yin Chu, was born in overseas Chinese, Vietnam, in the early 1970s.She studied with the famous watercolor painter Mr. Kam Cheong Ling for more than three years, and then stopped painting for more than 40 years. After her retirement, she remembered her mentor’s teachings and was encouraged by her fellow mentor to return to painting as a hobby after retirement.
In mid-2016, she met Mr. Lee Kong Hon during her painting study. Due to her interest in painting, she was subsequently recommended to join “Urban Sketchers Macao”. She became a member of the “Macau Artist Society” in the following year, and since then, she has enjoyed learning from her fellow painters. She was honored to hold a three-man exhibition with two of her friends under the guidance of “Urban Sketchers Macao” to share the results of her recent sketching work. She would like to express her heartfelt thanks to “Urban Sketchers Macao” and all the teachers and friends.
陳鄭綺玲‚出生於澳門。曾從事文職及行政工作二十餘年。熱愛閱讀‚由於對美學抱有興趣. 自2018年中開始學習繪畫‚期間因參加水彩課程結織陳燕林女士‚ 2019年喜得她引薦加入 “速寫澳門”‚ 得畫友鼓勵下走上隨街習畫之路‚ 並抱持謙卑態度思索學習‚從不足中認識真實自己。今次非常感恩獲得 “速寫澳門”支持‚ 跟隨兩位前輩一同舉辦三人畫展‚ 實屬難能可貴的寶貴經驗及回憶。
展期:為配合特區政府當前的防疫工作, 瘋堂十號創意園暫停開放,藝術展覽順延舉辦。
Chan Chiang I Leng , born in Macau, she had worked in clerical and administrative work for more than 20 years. She was a person with great interest in Reading and Aesthetics. She has been studying painting since mid-2018 and met Ms. Chan Yin Lam during the watercolor course, which recommended her to join “Urban Sketchers Macao” in 2019. With the encouragement of fellow painters, she started painting on the street, and was humble enough to learn from her own shortcomings. She was very grateful for the support of “Urban Sketchers Macao”, and she got valuable experience and memories to be with the two seniors in this three-man exhibition.
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,B07展覽室)