“Peerless” (Special Collective Exhibition for M e mbers of Ark
Association of Macau Art
由方舟澳門藝術學會主辦,望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園協辦,澳門基金會贊助的《無雙》(特別篇)-方舟澳門藝術學會會員作品展,將於2022年10月5至11月5日在瘋堂十號創意園C03展室展出。是次展覽展出學會成員:黃 安 兒 Dophine Wong、陳 詠 璇 P amela Chan、符 蔓 婷 Mandy Fu、梁 智 剛 Kon g Leong、韋 艷 芳 Yaya V ai、楊 雅 琪 Alice Ieong、陳 家 欣V a nda Chan、施 明 珠 Celia Si、周 麗 瑩 Gigi Chao、余 展 晴 Maggie U、岑 麗 嫦 Carol Sam 及 吳 艷 萍 Betty Ng合共17幅作品。
自古有雲:「舉世無雙」、「天下無雙」,就是在世上找不 到第二或相同的。這可以是用來形容極其珍貴的東西,又或者好像運動員在奧運會上打破了紀錄這樣厲害。但「無雙」亦可能是我們一些難以取代的人 和事,如媽媽編織的毛衣,外婆做的菜。對於你而言,「無雙」會否是一個人,甚至自己?一件物件、一刻的風景、甚至是一件別人眼中很鎖碎的事。
我們身處一個瞬間萬變的時代,「無雙」對大家來說是時空幻變的片刻,或是長留在我們內心的事情呢?藝術創作本身對作者而言是一 個獨特的經歷,透過作品傳遞給觀者的又是另一個獨有的體驗。期待這次展覽能不斷產生 無雙 這個主題內 涵的效果。
There has been a saying: “Unparalleled in the world” and “Peerless in the world”,meaning there is no second or the same in the world.
This can be used to describe something extremely precious, or as if an athlete broke arecord in the Olympics. But “Peerless” may also means some of our precious peo pleand things, such as sweaters knitted by mothers and dishes made by grandmothers.
For you, will “Peerless” be a person or even yourself? An object, a sce ne of amoment, or even something minor in the ey es of others.We are living in a changing world, what is “peerless” meaning to you? Is it a moment or an unreplaceable object or memory? The process of art creation is already a unique experience. Through t he artworks, another subjective conception may be created by the audience themselves. This exhibiti on aims to continuously creating “peerless”memories to all of you.
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,C03展覽室)