《食.間1983 Food. Space 2023》Adalberto Tenreiro 作品展
《食.間1983 Food. Space 2023》Adalberto Tenreiro 作品展
由望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園主辦,澳門特別行政區政府文化發展基金、澳門基金會贊助的《食.間1983 Food. Space 2023》Adalberto Tenreiro作品展將於2023年3月4日下午3時正於澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷10號─瘋堂十號創意園花園舉行開幕式,並於2023年3月4日-3月26日在瘋堂十號創意園C01、C02室展出約14幅全景寫生作品。
展覽前言 Exhibition Preface :
“Under the thatched arbor of a restaurant on a riv-er-bank, where Olivia had waited for me, our teeth began to move slowly, with equal rhythm, and our eyes stared into each other’s with the intensity of serpents’ –serpents concentrated in the ecstasy of swallowing each other in turn, as we were aware, in our turn, of being swallowed by the serpent that digests us all, assimilated ceaselessly in the process of ingestion and digestion, in the universal cannibalism that leaves its imprint on every amorous relationship and erases the lines between our bodies and sopa de frijoles (bean soup), huachinango a la veracruzana (red snapper fish in style veracruzana), and enchiladas (mexican corn pancakes).”
Last words of the story “Under the Jaguar Sun” by Ital Calvino (1923-1985), July 19, 1982 Paris.
藝術和生活互相生成。我們和我們以外的一切,彼此凝視。我和Adalberto Tenreiro 一樣極熱愛澳門這座小城,我欣賞他在於:他時時在安靜而專注地觀案並記錄著這座城市於他的一切。澳門之妙趣橫生,古往今來是了如此。
藝術之友:孟舒 博士
Art and life generate each other.
Us and everything but us, staring at each other.
I love the small city of Macau as much as Adalberto
Tenreiro. What I admire about him is that he observes and records everything about this city quietly and at-tentively. Macau is full of wit and fun, and it has been like this throughout the ages.
Friends of Art: Dr. Meng Shu Shangyuan
藝術家介紹 About Artist:
Adalberto Tenreiro,1955年出生於聖多美和普林西比(非洲),1983年移居澳門。1975-1982就讀Ar.Co藝術學校,里斯本。1982在里斯本擔任建築師。1983年移居澳門。1999-2006期間在香港大學專業進修學院擔任講師。1986-至今是ATeliers ARchiTecture 創始人,設計作品包括:嘉模泳池、奧林匹克體育中心游泳館、鮑思高體育中心游泳池、氹仔消防局大樓、水坑尾行人天穚、住宅、室內設計等等。
Adalberto Tenreiro, born in S. Tomé and Principe (Africa) in 1955, in Macau since 1983 . Graduated form Ar.Co Arts School, Lisbon.1982 Architect ESBAL Lisbon.1983 arrived in Macau.1999-2006 teacher, HKU, SPACE-HK architecture departments.1986-now owns ATeliers ARchiTecture designing: – swimming pools Carmo, Olympic, D. Bosco; – Taipa fire fight station; walking bridges; apartment buildings; interiors; etc.
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,C01、C02展室)