我的厭世人生 – 厭世他她作品展
我的厭世人生 – 厭世他她作品展
My !$x%* Life – Exhibition by Heheandsheshe
由望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園支持,澳門基金會贊助的我的厭世人生 – 厭世他她作品展,於瘋堂十號創意園C01、C02展室開始展覽。
請大家“厭世”一分鐘,懷著厭世的心進入 – 我的厭世人生。
A world-weary life is probably
“It is okay, anyway”
“It seems that nothing is bad”
“Why are there such people!”
Then the white eyes and the black face become a sign as usual.
I found that the feeling of white eyes is so cool.
Please “wear the world” for a minute and enter My !$x%* Life.
“厭世他她“的創作者出生在澳門,於在2018年被創作出來,曾參加各種文創市集。如,“澳門塔石藝墟” (2019,2020,2021)、“T.O.P文創市集”(香港)、“2020亞洲手創展”(台灣)。
“厭世他她”抱著厭世的態度生活,但並不代表她不享受生活。相反,她是因為熱愛生命,才會”厭世”。她認為現今社會,不同年齡階層的人都面對著各種各樣的壓力,例如,員工面對著來自工作、客戶和上司的壓力,或是學生面對作業、考試和家長的壓力。 但是,大部分人在不開心的情況下也不願在人前表露出不滿的表情,而是掛著虛假的微笑。久而久之,壓力不能釋放出來,負面情緒日漸增加。而角色“厭世他她”的表情長期處於反白眼狀態,完全表露了她的不滿。因此,大家對著不滿意的人和事,而又無法展現自己內心的表情時,不妨看一下厭世他她,釋放壓力,然後繼續前進!
The character “heheandsheshe” was created in 2018 by the Artist, who join the Craft Market Macau 2019, 2020, 2021、 T.O.P Market Hong Kong、and 2020 Popup Asia Taiwan.
In the society, most people always facing with various pressures, for example, employees are facing the pressure of work, customers and bosses, or students face homework, tests and parental pressure. However, most people would not show their dissatisfaction when they are unhappy, and with a fake smile. Negative emotions are increasing day by day which cannot be released. Heheandsheshe’s expression has been in a state of white eyes for a long time who completely expressed her dissatisfaction. Therefore, we may look at heheandsheshe when you are dissatisfied, and then move on!
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,C01,C02展覽室)。
Facebook page : 厭世他她
IG : heheandsheshe