《心象》- 郭潔鏵油畫展
《心象》- 郭潔鏵油畫展
Mental Image – Guo Jiehua Oil Painting Exhibition
由澳門城市速寫人協會主辦,望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園協辦,澳門基金會贊助的《心象》- 郭潔鏵油畫展,將於2022年5月7日,下午4時半,假瘋堂十號創意園正式開幕,並於C01和C02展覽廳開始展覽。
In today’s image era of rapid development, image has become an important communication carrier and medium for people’s daily life and creation. With the continuous advancement of people’s research on image, the problem of how to view image begins to appear. In contemporary painting, artists explore the image context, refine the contemporary life concept, image value and viewing experience as a new visual element, decompose and reset it in personal artistic creation, and present the connection and thinking between image and contemporary painting through works to express new image significance.
Curator:Choi Sou Hong
About Artist:
Guo Jiehua, born in Foshan, Guangdong in 1995, graduated from the oil painting department of Sichuan Academy of fine arts; Master’s degree in fine arts, School of Humanities and arts, Macau University of science and technology; She is now a doctor of fine arts at the Australian University of science and technology, under the guidance of Associate Professor Gu Yue.She has participated in local and foreign works exhibitions for many times: 2021 exhibition of Society of Urban Sketchers Macao;2021 oil paintings have been selected into the “campus parallel exhibition of art and culture in Australia Biennale”; In 2020, the oil painting “Macao· Beijing street” was selected in the third Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan District School Art Exhibition and the fifth Guangdong University Academy of Fine Arts Award biennial exhibition; In 2019, “old home” was selected as “love leads Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and draws a new era together”.
展覽地點:澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷10號瘋堂十號創意園(C01 、C02展廳)