AP71《The Chinese Zodiac – Thirteen Zodiac》CHAI RONG YAN Art Exhibition
由 澳門國際版畫藝術研究中心主辦,望德堂區創意產業促進會、瘋堂十號創意園協辦,澳門基金會贊助的AP71《十三生肖》柴荣燕藝術作品展將於瘋堂十號創意園A02展室開始展覽。
The culture of New Year paintings is gradually lost, and the gap between the changes in our current life styles is getting bigger and bigger. For us, is the meaning of the Chinese zodiac only a question-and-answer form of age? In China, more and more traditional cultures are not taken seriously, and are so serious that they are slowly disappearing. Therefore, the meaning of my 13 Chinese zodiac is a rhetorical nickname to remind myself and everyone. Regarding the current social environment and growth methods of people, we all belong to the thirteenth zodiac-Panda.
柴荣燕, 1998年9月出生於浙江衢州。2017—2022年就讀於澳門理工學院視覺藝術課程,主修版畫,指導老師馮寶珠副教授。為澳門國際版畫藝術研究中心會員。
Chai Rong Yan was born in Quzhou, Zhejiang in September 1998. From 2017 to 2022, she studied in the visual arts course of Macau Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Visual Art, Instructor: Associate Professor Anita Fung. One of the members of Macao International Printmaking Art Research Center.
展覽地點:瘋堂十號創意園 (澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷 10 號,A02展覽室)。